Car rental & bike rental in Tallinn
Car rental may be tricky when you need a vehicle, but you are not sure what exactly is important. We take a guess that your trip or tour should be the best it can be. Safe, easy and affordable.
Our main occupation has been Car rental for the last 15 years. We do hope that our tips can help you make the best decision.
If you are looking a rental car in Tallinn and the quality, fast service and reasonable price are important to you, the TallinnCarRent webpage is the right place to be. We are just a click or call away and will gladly answer all of the questions. TallinnCarRent offers small rental cars, mid size rental vehicles, Premium cars and minivan rentals. Please ask about car rent Tallinn in general, a place to visit in Estonia and best car rental offers for your trip.
Also please ask for special offers, because all the car rental offers are not shown on our webpage. Rents and returns are available everywhere in Estonia and why not in Europe.
With our new and tested cars, you can feel safe because insurances are all included in the price. You do not need to worry about anything because we are just a call away. All in Europe our rental 4- wheelers are covered with roadside assistance.
Bike rental is the best option to explore Tallinn, no parking fees or traffic jams. But the most important advantages riding a bike are a healthy way to travel around and the smallest impact on the environment. Furthermore, think about the shortcuts you will never find by car. Take a bike with you if you plan a day trip by train.
Free delivery. No need to look after pick-up/drop off place in town or Tallinn airport, because we will be exactly where you need us, anywhere in Tallinn for FREE. International standard with the local price is the best deal for you.
Thank You and see you soon!
TCR Team
Autorent, jalgarattarent, haagiserent Tallinnas
Autorent on meie peamine tegevusala juba 15 aastat. Ainuüksi igal aastal sõidetakse meie rendisõidukitega enam kui MILJON kilomeetrit. Lisaks autorendile ja väikebussirendile on lisandunud jalgrattarent ning haagiserent. Muuhulgas oleme kanda kinnitamas ka autopargi haldusteenusega nii ettevõtetele kui ka sellest aastast ka eraisikutele.
Siiani toome kõik renditavad sõidukid linna piires tarbijale koju või kontorisse kätte ja seda ilma lisatasuta.
Kui rendiperiood on rohkem kui 3 päeva, siis kirjuta juba otse meile ja arutame eritingimuste üle.